Doctors said there has been a spike in conjunctivitis cases reported at the district hospital in Noida, with 200-250 patients arriving daily to seek treatment for the eye condition. They added that while cases were few during the first week of July, they began to significantly increase after the floods and rain.
According to medical staff at the Sector 39 district hospital, there are currently 200 to 250 conjunctivitis cases recorded daily, up from four to five during the first week of July.
Dr. Renu Agarwal, the chief medical superintendent (CMS) of the Noida district hospital, stated, "Right now, we are seeing 200–250 instances of conjunctivitis on a daily basis, as opposed to just four or five cases during the first week of July. Since the infection is spreading quickly and may have been exacerbated by the humidity, it appears that the constant rain is to blame for the instances. The infection appears to have become worse due to the water.
People with the infection are encouraged not to self-medicate, according to Agarwal, as doing so will only bring about transient relief and could lead to consequences if not handled appropriately. As a result of a weakened immune system brought on by the hot and humid weather, incidents of viral fever are also being reported.
Conjunctivitis symptoms include, among others, irritation in one or both eyes, swelling, and itching that turns the eye pink or red. According to experts, more serious symptoms include discomfort, swelling, watering, and yellow discharge that makes it difficult to open the affected eye(s).
Medical professionals encouraged patients with conjunctivitis or an eye infection to get treatment right away. If untreated, deposits in the cornea (the outer part of the eye) may cause persistent impaired vision.