In spite of the nation's rising tomato costs, a farmer from Andhra Pradesh's Chittoor district sold 40,000 cartons of tomatoes over the course of 45 days, earning an amazing 4 crore. In the first several weeks of April, Chandramouli, a tomato farmer with a 22-acre farm, made the decision to grow a rare species of tomato plant called "Sahu." He was able to raise the production by using modern farming methods like micro-irrigation and mulching. By the end of June, he had harvested an abundance of tomatoes thanks to his hard work.
Chandramouli sold his tomato crop at the convenient Kolar market in Karnataka, which is close to his hometown, throughout the course of the previous 45 days. A 15 kg crate of tomatoes cost somewhere between $1,000 and $1,500 during this time. Amazingly, he was able to sell 40,000 boxes of tomatoes in total at this time.
"I have made 4 crore so far from the produce I have received. To acquire the yield on my 22 acres of property, I had to invest a total of 1 crore, which includes commission and transportation costs. Profits therefore continue to be 3 crore," Chandramouli is quoted by India Today.
The National Cooperative Consumers' Federation and the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation took action by starting to buy tomatoes from mandis (wholesale markets) in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra in response to the sharp increase in tomato prices across the country. The intention was to concurrently deliver these tomatoes to important consumption hubs where retail prices had risen most in the previous month.
The monsoon season, according to the government, was the primary cause of the price increase because it made distribution more difficult and increased transit losses.