In their recently released movie, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, co-star Shabana Azmi and veteran actor Dharmendra shared a kiss on-screen. The principal actors in the Karan Johar-directed film are Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh. However, many people have praised Shabana and Dharmendra's on-screen chemistry.
In the movie, Shabana and Dharmendra play long-lost lovers who meet when their grandkids fall in love. The story centers on two polar opposites who fall in love, but owing to cultural differences, their families fight. In the movie, Jaya Bachchan plays Dharmendra's wife. On Twitter, he posted a number of images with his co-stars.
In an interview with News18, Dharmendra discussed their kissing moment in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. He said, "I am hearing that Shabana and I have stunned the audience with the kissing scene, and at the same time they have even applauded it. It probably had an impact because people weren't prepared for it and it arrived unexpectedly. The last kissing scene I performed was with Nafisa Ali in Life in a Metro, and that time, too, it was well received.
"I didn't get enthusiastic when Karan described the scene to us (laughs). We understood it, and when I realized that it was something the movie needed and not something that had been imposed on it, I pledged to execute it. Additionally, I think romance knows no age. Age is simply a number, and two people, regardless of age, will kiss to express their love for one another. The fact that it was so beautifully shot prevented Shabana and me from experiencing any embarrassment while doing it, he continued.
Dharmendra, who thinks he might have performed better in the movie, agreed and called it "fantastic." He praised Karan as a "good director" and expressed how much he valued their working relationship. He also praised Alia as a natural actor and called Ranveer a "terrific" actor. Additionally, he was impressed by Jaya and Shabana.
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, which debuted on Friday, had a successful opening weekend. According to sources in the movie business, the movie made more than 11 crore on its first day. It represents Karan Johar's return to directing.