During the audio launch of his new action thriller Jailer, actor Rajinikanth discussed his alcoholism, the negative criticism Vijay's Beast received upon its release, and how he had considered abolishing the term "superstar." On Friday night, fans flocked to the Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai for the event to see their favorite star.
@VenkatRamanan_, a Twitter user, claims that Rajinikanth disclosed his alcoholism. "I would have benefited society if there was no alcohol," he declared. The biggest mistake I ever made in life was becoming an alcoholic. I'm not advocating a complete avoidance. Drink booze when having a good time. Avoid drinking frequently. Their well-being and health will be ruined.
He stated, as quoted by @VenkatRamanan_ on Twitter, "We should make our industry bigger." Big Heroes won't be profitable for theaters or for anyone else unless it succeeds. Everybody is a brother to us. Every movie should be allowed to run.
Rajinikanth claimed that after his Vijay-starring picture Beast debuted to poor reviews, several distributors approached him and suggested that he switch Nelson out for Nelson in Jailer. "We had a promo that we had shot and released. Negative reviews were given to Beast when it was released following the promo launch. Distributors called me frequently asking me to take Nelson's place as director. After that, we met with the Sun Pictures crew. Even though Beast had received negative reviews, they had told me that its distributors had not suffered any losses as a result, he claimed.
Rajinikanth also stated, "When I saw #Hukum lyrics for the first time, Thaaru maara irundhuchu..," as shared by Twitter user @PeaceBrwVJ. I requested that Superstar be taken out of the song alone.Ennaikume tholla dhan, superstar.I requested the removal of the Superstar title a long time ago.
"Superstar Rajinikanth was the first to hear the story and he sounded super confident similar to how he was during Enthiran times," producer Kalanithi Maran remarked at the event. Although I haven't seen the movie yet, people have praised it highly.