An argument breaks out at the Muslim League's "Manipur Solidarity March" over "anti-Hindu" chants


A significant issue broke out in Kerala on Tuesday after Muslim Youth League (MYL) members allegedly yelled "anti-Hindu" slurs during a rally to denounce the violence in Manipur.

According to reports, the tragedy happened in Kerala's Kasargod district.

Workers with the Muslim Youth League (MYL) are accused of chanting offensive phrases at the demonstration, which drew significant criticism.

"You won't be able to chant Ramayana, We will hang you inside your temples, and We will burn you alive," the protesting Muslim league activists allegedly screamed.

On social media, the incident's video has become very popular.

Anil K. Antony, the head of the BJP, has condemned the alleged incident and requested the recently formed Opposition alliance to comment on the matter.

A horrific occurrence occurred in Kerala yesterday, he tweeted. The Muslim Youth League was scheduled to conduct a march in Kanjangad to show "solidarity" with those who are suffering in Manipur. You won't be able to chant the Ramayana, and we'll hang you inside your temples, the marching crowd yells. You will be set afire by us.

Interested in hearing the opinions of the I.N.D.I.A. allies of @iumlofficial, @INCIndia, and @cpimspeak, @CPIMKerala? What is the opinion of @INCKerala on this? Is fostering this level of intergroup animosity and violence the new norm you all see for Kerala and India?

A staff member has been suspended by the Muslim Youth League in the meantime for using incendiary language at the demonstration. Following the incident, Kasargod police have now detained 300 members of the Indian Union Muslim League's (IUML) youth wing, according to PTI.

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