Bengaluru's: Mumbai CEO's charged100 rupees for a 500-meter auto ride

Following the Mumbai CEO's account of his time in Bengaluru, the topic of the "expensive" vehicle trips in the city was discussed on Twitter once more. The co-founder and CEO of a software company, Mandar Natekar, alleged that he was charged 100 rupees for a short, half-kilometer journey.

The auto meter was described by Natekar as being the most 'ornamental' component of the vehicle. "In this photo, you will see the most ornamental thing in Bengaluru," he wrote in a tweet. very wonderful Auto Metre. It is unusable since it is so pricey. Just now, a 500-meter ride cost me 100 Rupees. He also contrasted it with Mumbai's vehicle fares. He continued, "To put things in perspective, the meter rate for approximately 9 kilometers in Mumbai is 100 Rs.

The Twitter users gathered to discuss their auto experiences in Bengaluru. "I have dealt with a similar issue," a user remarked. For the 1.40 kilometers from Garuda Mall to Lido Mall, I was requested to pay Rs. 250. In lieu of paying, I chose to walk and arrived sooner than if I had taken an auto and gotten caught in heavy traffic in Bangalore. It's true and terribly awful, another user commented. In 2010, when I moved to Bangalore for the first time, I experienced a similar experience. Not only are auto costs in Mumbai and Maharashtra affordable, but so are taxi fares, particularly for outdoor tours.

A few users, meanwhile, defended the taxi drivers, arguing that the fare must be for the traffic, not the distance. Others argued that Bengaluru was not the only city with this issue; every city also has it.

The police in Bengaluru previously declared that they would punish taxi drivers who overcharge for journeys. "@BlrCityTraffic is actively taking action against drivers who haggle over tolls with passengers. The public can file a complaint about overcharging or refusal through the special hotlines established for auto rickshaw complaints: 080-22868444 / 080-22868550, according to a tweet from Bengaluru police.

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