GIS-2023: Great-granddaughter of Sardar Patel will invest in Uttar Pradesh


According to Dr. Gita Patel, the great-granddaughter of the nation's first deputy prime minister, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, medicine for cancer sufferers will be created and produced in Uttar Pradesh.

"The state will totally develop and manufacture all medical products. According to Dr. Gita Patel, director of Carpe Diem E, who signed an MoU with the Uttar Pradesh government at the Global Investors' Summit held here in February of this year, the focus is mainly on cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, cervical, and ovarian types.

"Our initial investment might reach $3 million, and by the second phase, it could reach $12.7 million. By phase three, it will increase to $30 million, said Dr. Patel at a news conference. At Lucknow's Biotech Park, a lab-turned-office has already begun operations, and a production facility will soon be built on Barabanki Road.

Till the phase one trial, all research will be conducted in the lab. In six to nine months, we want to complete phase one and begin human testing. Before we actually manufacture and market the medicine, we can move forward with human trials once all research standards have been met, she noted.

In response to a question regarding the government's assistance, she stated, "As we came for investment and signed the MoU, we had a dedicated staff member to find solutions to all our needs and with a smooth framework of stepwise process we are now investing in UP."

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