Himachal: Due to a significant landslip, NH-5 is blocked and Kinnaur is cut off


Following severe rains in Himachal Pradesh on Thursday, portions of National Highway-5 were shut due to numerous landslides, cutting off Kinnaur district from the rest of the state.

At Baroni Khad in the Rampur subdivision, a section of the highway is submerged. Rock collapses and landslides have also blocked the roads in Pashada and Manglad. According to DC Rana, the director of the state Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), the road blockade has also severed the connection to the Spiti Valley.

PWD officials have exerted pressure on workers and equipment to repair the road. Aside from being closed, the alternate road Aut-Luhri is also impassable, stranding vehicles carrying necessary supplies.

Torul S. Raveesh, the deputy commissioner for Kinnaur, reported that a large landslip on Thursday put four homes in Nathpa village in danger. She claimed that the homes had been abandoned and the highway had been cleansed of trash.

466 roads in all, including three national highways, are closed to traffic, according to Rana. Up to 220 roads in Shimla, 48 in Mandi, and 45 in Sirmaur are closed.

After landslide-related fractures appeared in the village of Kotsari, the Rohru subdivision of Shimla district administration obtained the evacuation of three homes there. Laxman Thakur, Vimla Devi, and Nikam Singh were relocated to the homes of their relatives after being affected. The afflicted households are getting urgent relief, according to SDM Sunny Sharma.

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