In order to see his most recent film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, which was directed by Karan Johar and starred Alia Bhatt, Jaya Bachchan, Shabana Azmi, and Dharmendra, Ranveer Singh brought his wife, Deepika Padukone. Ranveer and Deepika were enjoying their date night when photographers captured their moment and posted it online. With their fashionable outfits, the duo set fashion standards for date-night couples. Look through to see what they were wearing.
Watching Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani together on a date night over the weekend was fun for Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone. The couple was photographed by paparazzi while attending a movie, and the images and videos were posted on social media.Â
Deepika Padukone covered it with a denim jacket while wearing a bodycon white tank top with a plunging neckline. Patch pockets, full sleeves, a patchwork pattern, metal button fastenings, an open front, and a fitted cut are some of its other features. She finished the ensemble with a pair of body-skimming, high-waisted dark blue boyfriend jeans with a folded hem.
In addition to clunky white sneakers, a black and white top handle micro bag with a gold chain accent, gold and diamond rings, elegant bracelets, and a chic luxury watch, Deepika accessorized the look. She also picked a dewy base, rouged cheeks, feathered brows, glossy nude lips, shimmering eye shadow, and mascara on the lashes in addition to center-parted open wavy hair.
Ranveer Singh, meanwhile, wore only black to the date night. He was dressed in a black sweatshirt by Rhude that had a hood, full sleeves, a fitted, relaxed waist and cuffs, and a multicolored design on the front. He finished the look with a pair of identical black sweatpants that had a mid-rise waist, a roomy fit, and a tightened hem. It was finished off with chunky sneakers, a printed bandana, a black beanie, nerdy glasses, and diamond ear studs.