The 46-acre Vijay Mandal Park, Begumpur, in the bustling Malviya Nagar neighborhood of south Delhi, which is flanked by residential colonies, commercial buildings, stores, offices, and a college, is typically crowded at lunchtime.
The park, which is overseen by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA), is guarded by 13 ex-servicemen who operate in three shifts with a supervisor. Three of the vast park's entry gates are guarded by security personnel, while a fourth is typically on duty within, roaming the grounds. The distance from the park to the Malviya Nagar police station is only about 100 yards. In addition to four smaller pedestrian gates, the park has three main entrances from the sides of Sarvodaya Enclave, Begumpur Village, and Aurobindo College.
"With the guard, I hurried inside the park. We found the body with a significant head wound and a lot of blood around it when we arrived at the bench that the woman had pointed out. Along with the iron rod, her phone and pocketbook were also on the bench near to the body. I believed someone was hurt and had anticipated a small brawl. We sped over to the area in an effort to save her but were horrified to discover her lying in a pool of blood. We weren't sure if she was even alive because there was so much blood, according to Harinder, the DDA park supervisor.
A group of around 20 college students were nearby celebrating a birthday, he said. He inquired as to whether they had seen anything, but they had not. The manager added that he had not noticed anyone circling the body or scurrying away from the scene.