Over the next 5 years, AMD will invest $400 million in India, building a new campus in Bangalore


In order to strengthen its engineering and research operations in India, AMD today announced a commitment to invest $400 million there over the next five years. The world's largest R&D center will be built on a new campus in Bangalore by AMD, a leading manufacturer of semiconductors.

AMD stated during SemiconIndia 2023 in Gujarat that the investment is projected to build the largest AMD design center with the addition of about 3,000 engineering roles and a new Bangalore campus launching before the end of 2023.

The anticipated investment will comprise AMD's largest R&D center in the world, a new campus in India. Through our investment, India will see two decades of expansion and prosperity. As of right now, I can tell you that by the end of 2028, we anticipate hiring about 3000 more engineers in India, according to AMD EVP and CTO Mark Papermaster.

We have a diverse portfolio that includes CPU server data center, GPU gaming graphics, PC, adaptive computing, and embedded devices. This investment will enable us to broaden our portfolio and capabilities as we integrate AI processing capabilities into AMD products. Our India team will play a key role in developing the capabilities of both hardware and software for AI and machine learning, according to Papermaster.

Since the establishment of the company's first location in New Delhi in 2001, AMD has played a significant role in the Indian semiconductor industry. The AMD office footprint will expand to 10 locations overall across six cities: Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, and Mumbai thanks to the new 500,000-square-foot facility in Bangalore.

At the Semicon India convention in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, are leading chipmakers Foxconn, AMD, Micron, and IBM. The purpose of the event is to draw investment into the Indian chip industry and position it as a global center for semiconductor production to compete with Taiwan and China. PM Narendra Modi opened the occasion today.

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