Rainfall in Maharashtra is expected to rise as a low-pressure region develops over the Bay of Bengal. A red alert (heavy to very heavy rain) has been issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for Pune for the ensuing 48 hours. People have been told by the department not to go to the Ghat areas of Konkan, Pune, and Satara.
The low-pressure area over the Bay of Bengal will intensify into a depression around July 26 and subsequently travel west-northwest, predicts Anupam Kashyap, head of the weather forecasting division at IMD Pune. A monsoon trough has also developed across the west coast, extending from Maharashtra to northern Kerala. Under the impact of these factors, a shear zone (an area with opposing winds that concentrates heavy rain there) has also formed, and rainfall activity is anticipated to intensify over Maharashtra, Pune district, Pune city, and in the Ghat areas starting in the afternoon of July 25. There may be very severe to extremely heavy rain in the Ghat areas, which will reduce visibility there.
An orange alert has been issued for July 28 and 29, while July 26 and 27 in Pune are under a red alert. In Raigad, Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, and Satara, a red alert has been issued for the upcoming 24 hours. While the districts of Gadchiroli and Gondia have received an orange alert.
Till July 23, Pune district had 370.7 mm of total precipitation, which is 9% less than average. While Shivajinagar in Pune had 190.8 mm of rain through July 24, which is 96.9 mm less than average. IMD officials stated that the most recent numbers still need to be revised. Pune city, on the other hand, saw mild rainfall all day on Tuesday. Shivajinagar saw 1.6 mm of rainfall up until 5.30 p.m.