Who else in the series was born with a heavenly restriction? Fushiguro Toji's Heavenly Restriction explained


Cursed constraint takes the form of Heavenly constraint. The sorcerer is born with these bindings on their body. It modifies the victim's cursed energy in return for enhancements to or restrictions on their physical prowess. Heavenly Restriction can cause a person to be born with poor cursed energy but excellent physical strength. One may also be born with a weak body but extremely high levels of cursed energy.

Fushiguro Toji was born with no trace of the curse. At the time, he was the only such example ever found in the entire world. Toji was devoid of the cursed energy, but he was endowed with even greater physical might.

Muta Kokichi, a second-year student at Kyoto Jujutsu High, went to class through the use of the cursed corpse Ultimate Mechamaru. Kokichi's own body was weak and ill-suited from birth. He was born without his right arm and lower legs, making him a severe example of a Heavenly Restriction. He has incredibly delicate skin that burns upon even the smallest exposure to sunlight or moonlight. Additionally, he frequently has excruciating chronic pain, which he described as feeling as if his body was being stabbed at every pore. However, Muta Kokichi is able to command countless Mechamaru puppets thanks to his enormous supply of cursed energy.

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