Launching a scathing attack on Kerala Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, the Congress-led UDF accused before the National Assembly on Thursday that a "clan" of people in his office controlled the police, not the police. not you.
The allegation was made by the opposition UDF during heated discussions about continued police brutality in the state and the lack of action by the leftist government to end it.
The opposition made the allegations in a notice proposed by several UDF MPs about postponing debates in the House of Commons to discuss alleged police brutality in the state.
Referring to the recent death in custody of a man, arrested on suspicion of drug possession, earlier this month, the opposition alleged that the victim was brutally beaten by a special team - District Narcotics Squad (DANSAF) - belonging to Malappuram SP and requested suspension.
In response to the allegations, Vijayan said the registered case related to death while in custody will be referred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). He also said eight officers involved in the incident have been suspended.
"This government will not tolerate any aggression or use of force against those in the police station," CM said, adding that none of the perpetrators in the case were able to get away with it. punishment.
He added that the government has a responsibility to hand over any deaths while in custody to the CBI.
In CM's view, Chairman A N Shamseer refused to adjourn the House of Representatives to discuss the matter.
When permission to postpone the House of Commons was denied, the opposition organized a protest march. In his opening remarks, Opposition Council (LoP) Leader V D Satheesan criticized the government for saying it had "politicized" the police.
Satheesan added that it was not the CM but a "faction" in his office that controlled the police and decided how they operated.
The LoP was also upset by the CM's assertion that more frequent encounters with police in some northern Indian states if named, would upset the UDF opposition.
"There were also clashes with the police in Kerala," Satheesan pointed out and criticized CM for praising the police.
“The police have become to blame and the laughing stock under the current administration,” he added. N Samsudheen, a lawmaker from congressional ally IUML who passed the notice adjourning the House along with other UDF lawmakers, said the victim was brutally beaten by the Malappuram SP special team.
He demanded that SP be suspended, or else it could impede the CBI investigation.
The IUML MP said there were 21 injuries on the victim's body according to the autopsy report.
He also alleges that the FIR was filed for drug possession and that the victim was the main defendant about three hours after his death.
Jifri, 30 years old, a suspected drug dealer with a criminal record, was arrested by the police along with four others on the basis of a tip and the group was arrested for possession of 18.14 grams of drugs. MDMA synthesis, on Aug. 1. was announced by the police. "They were taken to the police station around 1:30 am. Around 4:30 am, he collapsed. Jifri was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, where doctors declared him dead." police said.