Bear destroys American couple's wedding party and steals dessert  

Not human, but this Colorado couple's marriage breaker is a bear. Yes, you heard right. Brandon Martinez and Cailyn McRossie-Martinez just got married in Boulder County. When it rains on their special day, an unexpected guest shows up. The bear crashed into their dessert table, eating all the sweets. Cailyn shared the photo on Facebook and wrote: 'Then a bear ate our dessert bar. The high school couple had to set up an extra plate for the bear. Mr. Martinez told ABC News: 'It's not often that you walk into the dessert table and see a bear run over and eat it all.' Fortunately, the guard quickly chased the bear away and no one was injured.

Unfortunately for the couple, they missed out on their favorite food - lemon, and marijuana bars. However, their misfortune has attracted attention on social media, with the post receiving numerous likes and comments. One Facebook user humorously commented: "If I walk in there, you'll have to scratch me off the ceiling. I'm glad I had my cheesecake." Cailyn responded by saying, "No dessert for us! hahaha!"

Quite a wedding must be! 


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