BJP director Himachal Rajeev Bindal names his main team  


Days after assembling his new team, President Rajeev Bindal of the Himachal Pradesh Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced the names of the members of the central state unity committee on Thursday.

Surprisingly, former Parliament leader Harsh Mahajan, who joined the party less than a year ago, is among those who have managed to rise to the position of Saffron's top decision-making body.

The Central Committee will have the BJP's Northern Region in charge and National Vice President Saudan Singh, State Leader Avinash Rai Khanna, and Co-Leader Sanjay Tandon as permanent guest members.

Prominent leaders named in the list of central commissioners are opposition leader Jairam Thakur, former premiers Shanta Kumar and Prem Kumar Dhumal, Union minister Anurag Thakur, organization secretary, minister Siddharthan, Former State President and MP Suresh Kashyap, Former State President Satpal Satti and Secretary-General and MP Rajya Sabha Sikandar Kumar.

Trilok Kapoor and Bihari Lal Sharma, MPs Rakesh Jamwal, Trilok Jamwal, Randhir Sharma, former Speaker of Parliament Vipin Singh Parmar, Randhir Sharma, former Health Minister Rajeev Saizal and Harsh Mahajan have been appointed as House Secretary-General. water. 

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