Days after being reinstated as Lok Sabha MP, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi arrived at his parliamentary constituency in Wayanad in Kerala on Friday. Speaking at a meeting here, Rahul Gandhi launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the ongoing ethnic clashes in Manipur. The National Assembly leader said that although he has been in politics for 19 years, he has never witnessed what he has been through while visiting Manipur.
Rahul Gandhi recounted touching encounters with Manipuri women, vividly describing their tragedies. He tells the heartbreaking story of a mother who lost her son in a devastating incident, leaving him with only a photo as a reminder. He tells of another woman who couldn't bear to remember her painful experience and passed out.
"Blood is everywhere, murder is everywhere, rape is everywhere. This is the situation in Manipur and the Prime Minister spoke for 2 hours and 13 minutes in Parliament, but he spoke about Manipur in his speech. 2 minutes. He laughs, and jokes. His cabinet laughs, jokes..." Rahul Gandhi said. "Someone's house was burned down, someone's sister was raped, someone's brother and parents were killed. It was like someone threw kerosene at Manipur and set it on fire..." he said.
Rahul Gandhi has criticized the BJP government for its lack of discussion on the Manipur issue. He said Prime Minister Modi and Union Cabinet ministers had "a lot of fun" discussing the Manipur issue in parliament. Rahul Gandhi said the prime minister spent only a small portion of his speech addressing the northeastern state's concerns. “The Prime Minister spoke for 2 hours and 13 minutes. He talked about Congress, about me, about the INDIA alliance, but he only talked about Manipur for two minutes,” Rahul Gandhi said.
The National Assembly leader denounced the violence, rape, and bloodshed raging in Manipur, stressing that such actions are not in line with the idea of India, the nation that represents peace and love.
Rahul Gandhi expressed his commitment to the unification of Manipur. “The BJP thinks they have destroyed Manipur. We will collect Manipur. It may take us 5 years but we will bring love back to Manipur. This is a war between the BJP and Congress,” said the MP.
Rahul Gandhi also expressed gratitude to the people of Wayanad for their unwavering support.
“BJP and RSS don't understand what family is. They don't understand that the more they try to separate you and me, the closer we will become. They thought that if we got rid of Rahul Gandhi his relationship with Wayanad would fall apart. If you remove Rahul Gandhi, his relationship with Wayanad will become even stronger,” said the MP.