Man attempts self-immolation after setting a woman on fire for rejecting a marriage proposal


A 24-year-old man set a woman on fire after she rejected his marriage proposal in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. The man then poured gasoline on himself and tried to set himself on fire.

The victim was identified as Purvi Jha (22 years old), working as an accountant in a security agency.

The incident happened on 20 July when defendant Jeevan Dubey went to the woman's office in Transport Nagar, Khamtarai, and began to pressure her to marry him.

When she refused, he poured gasoline over her and set her on fire. Seeing the woman on fire, he poured gasoline on himself.

People present at the scene discovered the fire and quickly extinguished the fire and called the police.

Both suffered severe burns and were hospitalized in critical condition.

Meanwhile, the police have registered a case and opened an investigation into the case. 

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