Microplastics found in breast milk: What does the experts say  


Breast milk, often referred to as "liquid gold," has long been known for its essential nutrients and protective properties for the infant. However, recent research has revealed a disturbing problem:
the presence of microplastics in breast milk.

These tiny, almost invisible particles from plastic pollution have scientists and mothers worried. Explore the growing concern about microplastics in breast milk, the potential health risks associated with them, as well as the urgent need for sustainable solutions and further research.

India Today spoke with Dr Manju Gupta, Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Noida to shed some light on this issue. WHAT IS PLASTIC?
Microplastics are small plastic particles, less than 5 mm in size, that are the result of fragmentation of larger plastic items or are purposefully manufactured for personal care products such as clear microplastics. cosmetics.

They enter the environment through a variety of ways, including improper waste disposal, decomposition of plastic products, and decomposition of synthetic textiles.

The unexpected presence of breast milk
Many researchers have looked at the presence of microplastics in breast milk because they are so prevalent in the environment. Many studies have demonstrated that breast milk samples from various locations around the world contain microplastics. It is not yet clear how microplastics end up in breast milk, but potential pathways include ingestion through contaminated food, water, and even airborne particles.


The health implications of consuming microplastics, especially through breast milk, are still not fully understood. However, scientists are concerned about the potential risks.

Microplastics can contain and absorb harmful chemicals, including toxic additives used in plastic manufacturing and pollutants from the surrounding environment.

When ingested, these chemicals can enter the body and can affect the growth and health of babies. One of the main concerns is possible endocrine disruption, which can disrupt hormones and growth, which can lead to long-term health problems.


The increase in microplastics in breast milk reflects the alarming scale of plastic pollution worldwide. Plastic waste discharged into the oceans and rivers will eventually break down into microplastics, entering the food chain through aquatic organisms. When humans consume these organisms, microplastics can enter human tissues, including breast tissue.

Addressing the problems of microplastics requires multiple strategies, including reducing plastic production, managing waste properly, and encouraging recycling. 


To address the issue of microplastics in breast milk, more research is needed. Long-term studies are needed to determine the potential risks of exposure to microplastics in infants and nursing mothers.

Regulations are needed to determine the safety of microplastics in the food, water and items we buy.  

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