Parliament Leader Navjot Singh Sidhu shared an update on the health of his wife, Navjot Kaur Sidhu, who was diagnosed with cancer on Thursday. He posted pictures of his wife during her fifth round of chemotherapy. Siddhu says it's "time to take him to Manali for comfort".
Navjot Kaur was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive cancer in March and had surgery.
“The wound has healed but the spiritual scars of this ordeal will remain. Fifth chemotherapy is underway. The search for a good vein was futile for a while, but then Dr. Rupinder's expertise came in handy. She refused to move her arm, so she fed her with a spoon," the parliamentary leader wrote on Twitter.
Navjot Kaur is being treated by Dr. Rupinder Batra at Waryam Singh Hospital in Yamunanagar, Haryana.
“Keeping in mind the massive vascular reactions after the last chemotherapy...magnified by the extreme heat and's time to take her to Manali for some solace!!," Siddhu write. Siddhu shared details of his wife's treatment on social media.
The parliamentary leader, who was jailed for 10 months after being convicted of a street brawl, 34, was released from prison earlier this year.
After losing the Punjab Assembly elections in February 2022, he was forced to resign as head of the state parliament. Later, he also faced party actions for indiscipline and anti-party activities.