Tamil Water Resources Minister Nadu Duraimurugan said that the state had no choice but to sue in the Supreme Court to prevent Karnataka from releasing the portion of the water held by the 'State'.
A case will soon be filed in the Supreme Court.
It comes hours after Tamil Nadu government officials walked out of a meeting of the Cauvery Water Management Board because Karnataka refused to provide Tamil Nadu with the required amount of water including the daily shortfall.
According to the Minister of Water Resources, based on the Supreme Court order, from June 1 to August 11, Karnataka should have provided 53,7703 thousand million cubic feet (TMC) of water to Tamil Nadu.
However the Karnataka government has so far only provided 15,7993 TMC, which means a shortfall of 37,9710 TMC. The minister pointed out that due to lack of water, there is a risk of serious damage to crops for farmers in the Cauvery Delta region.
He added that it's not that Karnataka doesn't discharge Cauvery water because their state lacks water but because they don't want to discharge water in Tamil Nadu.
According to the data provided by the Minister, of the four reservoirs of Karnataka with a total capacity of 114,571 TMC, the current storage capacity is 93,535 TMC.
Minister of Water Resources Duraimurugan met with Union Minister Jal Shakti twice in New Delhi on this matter and Tamil Minister of State Nadu MK Stalin also wrote to Prime Minister and Union Minister.