On World Suicide Prevention Day, a heart-wrenching tragedy unfolded in Odisha's Bargarh district, where two siblings took their own lives, while their mother currently battles for survival after the three individuals reportedly ingested poisonous substances in an attempt to end their lives, as revealed by local law enforcement.
The distressing incident transpired in Masterpada, falling within the jurisdiction of the Sohela Police Station. The family at the center of this tragedy consists of Kumudini Sahu, a widow who had recently lost her husband, Arjun Sahu, and their two children, Bansidhar Sahu and Subarna Mahajan. It is alleged that all three family members consumed the poisonous substance within the confines of their residence, taking this grave step together.
The deeply tragic scenario unfolded as the family members locked themselves inside their home and consumed the toxic substance. It was only when neighbors became aware of the dire situation that a swift response was initiated. The local police promptly received information about the incident and dispatched a team to the scene. The officers were compelled to forcibly gain entry to the residence by breaking down the door before transporting the distressed family to a nearby hospital.
The three individuals were subsequently admitted to the Sohela Community Health Centre (CHC) for immediate medical attention. Tragically, young Bansidhar's life could not be saved, as he succumbed to the effects of the poison. The situation took an even more devastating turn when Subarna, his sister, tragically passed away while being transferred to the Burla Medical College for further treatment. Currently, Kumudini's condition is described as critical, and she continues to receive medical care at the medical college.
Local residents have shared that Arjun had suffered a fatal heart attack on September 6, a loss that had left the surviving family members grappling with immense emotional distress. While it is suspected that the siblings' suicides were driven by the overwhelming stress they experienced following their father's untimely demise, the precise reasons behind this tragic loss cannot be definitively established at this time, according to Bibhuti Bhoi, the sub-divisional police officer of Padampur.