In Tamil Nadu's Tirupathur district, a tragic incident unfolded where seven women lost their lives due to a devastating accident. The unfortunate event occurred when a speeding lorry collided with a stationary mini-bus from behind, resulting in a horrific outcome.
The mini-bus, which was transporting a total of 19 passengers, including 15 women, had been returning from Dharmasala. The fatal accident transpired while the women were seated at the front of the van on the side median, a situation that arose after the mini-bus experienced a tire puncture. Notably, a separate group had ventured out to seek the assistance of a mechanic during this time.
Tragedy struck when the speeding lorry collided with the stationary mini-bus, causing it to topple over and, in a devastating turn of events, leading to the crushing of seven women who were seated in the front. These seven individuals, named Meena, Settu, Deivanai, Devaki, Kalanithi, Savithri, and Geetanjali, tragically lost their lives at the scene of the accident. Meanwhile, the remaining passengers were promptly transported to Tirupathur government hospital for necessary medical treatment.
Tirupathur District Collector Bhaskara Pandian paid a visit to the hospital to extend his condolences to the grieving families of the women who had tragically perished in the accident. He also conveyed that Chief Minister MK Stalin had reached out to inquire about the incident and had instructed that essential medical care be provided to those who had sustained injuries.