In Portugal, a 10-month-old infant dies after her father leaves her in the car for seven hours

A tragic incident unfolded in Portugal when a 10-month-old baby lost her life due to a heartbreaking mistake made by her father, according to information provided to the news outlet Metro. The unfortunate incident occurred on a day when the temperature in the region reached approximately 26 degrees Celsius. It is crucial to note that within the confines of a locked car, the temperature can easily soar to twice that level, creating a dangerous environment for anyone inside.

Reports indicate that the father's intended plan for the day was to drop his daughter off at the nursery before proceeding to his workplace. However, a series of unforeseen circumstances led to a devastating outcome. Instead of taking his child to the nursery, the father inadvertently headed directly to his office at the NOVA University campus.

Upon returning to his car later in the day, the father was met with an unimaginable and heart-wrenching sight—his daughter, unconscious and in distress, in the back seat of the vehicle. Overcome with shock and dread, he promptly contacted emergency services in a desperate bid to save his beloved child. Tragically, despite the best efforts of the responders, the baby girl was pronounced dead at the scene.

The child's mother, upon learning of the horrific accident, rushed to the location and was offered psychological support to cope with the overwhelming grief and sorrow. Authorities involved in the investigation revealed that the baby girl had been peacefully asleep in the car, and her father had unwittingly forgotten that she was still inside when he arrived at his workplace.

It is important to note that the results of the autopsy, which could provide further insights into this heartbreaking incident, are currently pending and have not yet been made available to the public.


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