In a harrowing incident that unfolded in Karnataka's Kolar district, Congress leader M Srinivas met a tragic end as he fell victim to a gruesome attack on Monday. Six individuals, purportedly involved in this heinous act, have been apprehended by the police in the wake of this distressing incident.
The individuals accused of involvement in the murder have been identified as Venugopal, Munendra, Santhosh, Nagendra, Harshit, and Arun Kumar. However, the arrest operation did not transpire without its share of violence and chaos. During the course of these arrests, the primary suspects, Venugopal and Manindra, suffered gunshot injuries to their legs, while Santhosh was also harmed when the police resorted to firing in self-defense. This retaliation came about after the law enforcement officers escorting the suspects encountered an attack, leading to injuries sustained by Inspector Venkatesh, as well as police personnel Manjunath and Nagesh. These officers, in light of their injuries, were promptly rushed to the district hospital for immediate medical attention and care.
M Srinivas, a prominent Congress figure, tragically lost his life as a result of this vicious attack. He was renowned for his close ties to former Speaker Ramesh Kumar and Home Minister G Parmeshwara, reflecting his influential presence within the political landscape. The fatal incident occurred during a time when Srinivas was overseeing the construction of his bar, a routine task that he balanced with a visit to his farmhouse.
The sequence of events leading up to the horrific tragedy unfolded as follows: M Srinivas, familiar with his assailants, offered them coffee in a seemingly innocuous encounter. As the security personnel present went to fetch the requested refreshment, a sudden and shocking turn of events occurred. One of the assailants sprayed a chemical into Srinivas's eyes, causing him to cry out in pain and distress. This prompted another attacker to wield a knife and commence a merciless stabbing. In response to this attack, Srinivas attempted to flee and sought refuge near a wall. Even though his bodyguard witnessed the gruesome scene, he too was overcome with panic and fled the scene, leaving Srinivas vulnerable. Despite his immediate transfer to Jalappa Hospital, Srinivas succumbed to his grievous injuries en route, marking a heart-wrenching and tragic end to a life marked by public service and political involvement.
The motive behind this horrific act appears to be rooted in an enduring and bitter rivalry between the primary accused, Venugopal, and the now-deceased M Srinivas, underscoring the deep-seated animosity that led to this gruesome and tragic event.