On Wednesday, a tragic incident occurred on the Yamuna Expressway in Mathura, resulting in the loss of life and injuries to a family. The family included Indian Air Force's Junior Warrant Officer Deviprasad Mishra, who is stationed in Delhi, his wife Kislay, aged 40, and their daughters Jigyasa and Adamya.
According to Superintendent of Police (Rural) Trigun Bishen, the family was en route to Agra in their car. They had a brief stop in the Sureer police station area to attend to a natural call. During this stop, an unfortunate accident took place.
A speeding car, approaching from the Noida side, collided with the family as they exited their vehicle. The impact of the collision was so severe that Kislay, the wife of the IAF official, was propelled from the underpass bridge on the Naujheel-Raya road, resulting in her tragic demise at the scene.
The Sureer police station's Station House Officer, Narendra Singh Yadav, has reported that the woman's body has been sent for a postmortem examination. Additionally, law enforcement authorities are actively engaged in efforts to locate and apprehend the driver of the speeding car involved in the incident.