Azam Khan, a prominent leader of the Samajwadi Party (SP), along with his wife, Tanzeem Fatima, and their son, Abdullah Azam Khan, faced a seven-year jail sentence on Wednesday. This legal action was taken in connection with a fraudulent birth certificate case. In response to the court's decision, Azam Khan expressed his perspective that a verdict had been reached, but genuine justice remained elusive.
He articulated, "Insaaf aur faisle mein fark hota hai. Aaj faisla hua hai, insaaf nahi (There is a difference between a verdict and justice. Today, a verdict has been delivered, but justice remains elusive)," in a conversation with India Today TV.
The legal proceedings took place in Uttar Pradesh's Rampur, where a court found Azam Khan, a prominent figure within the Samajwadi Party, and his family members guilty of issuing Abdullah Azam Khan's birth certificate twice.
Abdullah Azam Khan has been accused of procuring a passport and undertaking foreign trips based on an initial birth certificate while utilizing a secondary certificate for official government matters. The first birth certificate, which was issued on June 28, 2012, by the Rampur Nagar Palika, indicated Rampur as Abdullah Azam Khan's place of birth. Subsequently, in January 2015, a second birth certificate was issued, asserting Lucknow as his place of birth.