Boy jumps off a rushing train in Tamil Nadu, but a railroad worker saves him

In Tamil Nadu on a fateful Monday, a young boy narrowly avoided a potentially fatal accident when he slipped from a moving train and landed on the tracks. This heart-stopping incident unfolded as a passenger train, originating from Vijayapura, was in the process of making a stop at the Hubli railway station.

As the train was in motion, the boy accidentally fell from the carriage, perilously close to the train's wheels. However, swift and heroic intervention by a Railway Protection Force (RPF) constable, who goes by the name Sulochana, prevented the calamity. Sulochana courageously lifted the boy from the tracks, averting what could have been a catastrophic accident.

This remarkable incident was captured on the railway platform's CCTV camera. The young boy, in an attempt to disembark from the moving train just as it was coming to a halt at the platform, lost his footing and descended to the tracks within mere seconds.

Promptly, fellow passengers on the platform rushed to the boy's rescue, and once the train came to a stop, the RPF constable safely retrieved the young lad.

According to sources within the railway, the boy sustained minor injuries but is now in a stable condition, gradually recovering from this harrowing experience. He has been reunited with his family, who must have been greatly relieved to have him back unharmed. This incident serves as a vivid reminder of the perils associated with train travel and the importance of safety measures on railway platforms.


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