The Bengaluru city police have initiated legal proceedings against a cab driver who engaged in inappropriate behavior by sending lewd content to a female passenger after she canceled her cab ride, just before his scheduled arrival.
According to the official police complaint, the incident unfolded on a Monday morning when the aggrieved party had booked a cab using a ride-hailing application to travel from her residence located in Bengaluru's Electronic City. With her one-year-old child in tow, she waited for the cab to arrive at the designated pickup point. However, after a 10-minute wait, she made the decision to cancel the ride and instead opted for an autorickshaw, due to the driver's untimely arrival.
Infuriated by her cancellation, the cab driver took it upon himself to inundate her WhatsApp with explicit and indecent photographs and videos. Furthermore, he relentlessly called her, repeatedly urging her to examine her WhatsApp messages, as outlined in the woman's formal complaint.
Fortunately, the woman was able to secure an autorickshaw and depart from the location. Subsequently, she reported the unsettling episode to the Electronic City police.
In response to her complaint, the police filed a First Information Report (FIR) against the cab driver. The charges were made under IPC section 354A, which pertains to "outraging the modesty of a woman," along with other pertinent sections of the Information Technology Act.
During the preliminary investigation, the police established that the driver's current location was in Tamil Nadu. Consequently, they have initiated a search operation to locate and apprehend him.
Moreover, the law enforcement authorities have officially reached out to the ride-hailing company, requesting essential information about the driver to facilitate ongoing investigations.