On Monday, a distressing incident unfolded in Delhi's Kirti Nagar as a fire erupted within a furniture shop situated on the third floor of a commercial establishment. The alarm was raised at approximately 6:30 p.m., prompting an immediate response from the local authorities.
This unfortunate incident saw the deployment of a considerable firefighting contingent, with no fewer than 17 fire tenders hurrying to the scene. Their collective efforts were aimed at swiftly containing and extinguishing the flames that had taken hold within the furniture shop. However, the destructive force of the fire proved formidable, extending its reach to encompass two neighboring showrooms.
As the inferno raged on, it wrought extensive havoc, resulting in substantial financial losses amounting to lakhs of rupees. An Assistant Divisional Officer (ADO) dispatched to assess the situation reported that the fire had permeated all three connected showrooms within the commercial complex. These showrooms were identified as Durian Furniture, Godrej Script, and Mibasa Furniture.
The inception of the fire at Durian Furniture can be traced to the third floor, where it rapidly devoured furniture, signage, and office space. Similar scenes of devastation unfolded at Godrej Script and Mibasa Furniture, with the flames mercilessly consuming furniture and signage across all levels of these establishments.
It is important to note that each of these structures comprises a basement, ground floor, and three additional stories, collectively occupying an area of 350 square yards per building.
Miraculously, amid this chaotic and perilous situation, no casualties or injuries were reported, which serves as a relief amidst the otherwise distressing circumstances.
Authorities are actively engaged in ongoing investigations to pinpoint the precise source and cause of this destructive fire, aiming to shed light on the origins of this unfortunate incident.