Manoharmayum Barish Sharma, the former president of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) in Manipur, found himself in the custody of Manipur Police on a fateful Saturday, following his suspected involvement in the disturbing Sega Road firing incident that unfolded in Imphal on October 14. During this incident, a total of five individuals, one among them being a woman, fell victim to bullet injuries, raising grave concerns and sparking an intensive investigative response.
The arrest of Manoharmayum Barish Sharma took place on a Saturday, and he now faces a six-day period of detention in police custody, spanning until October 27. His apprehension occurred at his residence, situated in the Wangkhei Ningthem Pukhri Mapal area of Imphal East district. The Imphal police acted decisively in this matter, acting on information that led to his detention.
As the legal process unfolds, the charges levied against Manoharmayum Barish Sharma encompass violations under the Arms Act, transgressions related to curfew restrictions, allegations of criminal intimidation, and the deeply troubling accusation of attempted murder. These accusations underline the severity of the situation and the gravity of the allegations against him.
In addition to Manoharmayum Barish Sharma, the Manipur Police has also taken into custody five other individuals implicated in the tragic events of October 14. Among these is Nongthombam Tony Meitei, the current vice president of BJYM Manipur, a 36-year-old resident of Langthabal Lep Mayai Leikai, whose arrest was one of the initial responses to the incident, indicating the rapid and comprehensive nature of the police investigation.
Moreover, individuals Alex Ningombam and Gurumayum Rayban, both hailing from Brahmapur Laljilakpa Leikai, saw their homes turned into scenes of apprehension, as they were taken into custody at approximately 9 pm on October 15. The detention of these individuals underscores the thoroughness of the police response and their commitment to resolving this complex case.
The list of those arrested further includes Ningthoujam Vicky, the vice president of BJYM Manipur Pradesh, aged 30, and Khaidem Nibas, a 33-year-old, both of whom are now facing allegations linked to the same incident. They too are presently under police custody, with their detention slated to continue until October 25. The intricate web of events and the subsequent legal actions underscore the seriousness with which the authorities are addressing the Sega Road firing incident and the potential involvement of the individuals arrested in connection with it.