A significant fire incident unfolded when four coaches of the Patalkot Express (14624), which was on its journey from Firozpur, Punjab, to Sivani, Madhya Pradesh, caught fire near the Bhadai Railway Station, located in Thana Malpura, Agra district. This unfortunate event took place while the train was en route from Agra to Jhansi. The passengers aboard the train understandably became alarmed and quickly raised the alarm as the fire began to rapidly consume the compartments of the train.
In response to the passengers' distress, railway authorities and local law enforcement, accompanied by fire tenders, swiftly mobilized to the scene to address the blazing inferno. Thankfully, there have been no reported casualties up to this point, and the situation remains free of harm or danger.
Currently, concerted efforts are actively in progress to gain control over the situation and minimize any further damage to the train and its passengers. The affected compartments have been evacuated, and dedicated fire teams are working diligently to extinguish the fire.
The exact cause of this devastating fire is still under investigation, and further details regarding the incident are pending.