In Rajasthan's Bharatpur district, a tragic incident unfolded involving a man who met his demise under a tractor, allegedly driven by his own brother, amid an ongoing land dispute. The unfortunate incident saw the victim crushed multiple times by the tractor.
The distressing video of this event swiftly circulated on social media platforms, revealing a grim aspect of bystanders, who, rather than intervening, were preoccupied with filming the horrific act.
The victim in this heart-wrenching incident was identified as Nirpat Gurjar, a 30-year-old, who suffered a terrible fate under the tractor allegedly driven by his brother, Damodar Gurjar, as confirmed by Omprakash Kilaniya, Assistant Superintendent of Police in Bharatpur.
Nirpat Gurjar's tragic demise occurred in Adda village of Bharatpur, a result of a dispute between the two families concerning the usage of a passage meant for pedestrians. This argument escalated into a violent confrontation, culminating in Nirpat Gurjar's fatal encounter with the tractor allegedly driven by his brother, Damodar. Furthermore, numerous individuals sustained injuries during the altercation.
Local authorities revealed that a long-standing land dispute had been ongoing between Nirpat and Damodar.
Currently, the police have detained six individuals and initiated a search operation to locate the remaining suspects involved in the incident.
The incident has evoked widespread condemnation from the public and the opposition within Rajasthan.
Sambit Patra, spokesperson for the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), condemned the incident and expressed that it is indicative of the conditions within "all Congress-ruled states." He also called upon Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi, who was visiting the poll-bound state on Wednesday, to extend her visit to Bharatpur.
Patra urged Priyanka to take a strong stance by suspending the relevant police officials, District Magistrate, and Superintendent of Police, to demonstrate her unwavering commitment to action beyond mere speeches and slogans. He emphasized the need for her to project a resolute demeanor, challenging her to do so.
Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, a prominent Rajasthan BJP leader, described the incident as "heart-wrenching" and criticized the Congress-led Rajasthan government for the state of affairs.
It is notable that this incident in Bharatpur occurred a mere four days after a violent clash between the families of Nirpat and Damodar, which had left two individuals with severe injuries.