In an operation conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police on Friday, three individuals were apprehended for their involvement in an elaborate scheme aimed at deceiving unsuspecting individuals with promises of securing government tenders. Among these accused, one individual, serving as the mastermind behind this fraudulent operation, assumed a false identity as the chief secretary of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
The modus operandi of the accused involved the issuance of counterfeit tender orders, purporting to be from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution, for a 'One Nation One Ration' card. These deceptive practices were orchestrated to manipulate and deceive potential victims.
All three culprits involved in this fraudulent activity have been remanded to judicial custody in Jaunpur.
The key orchestrator behind this elaborate scam, identified as Santosh Kumar Semwal, has been alleged to have extorted a sum totaling Rs 55 lakhs through these deceptive means. Notably, Semwal was apprehended in New Delhi. His associates in this scheme, namely Maya Tiwari and Abhishek Tiwari, were apprehended in Prayagraj and Jaunpur, respectively.
Furthermore, Arun Rawat, another participant in this deceptive operation, adopted the role of a joint secretary within the PMO, thereby facilitating the duping of unsuspecting victims. In doing so, he imposed a commission of Rs 2 lakhs per zone and demanded drafts amounting to Rs 3.15 lakhs per zone.
Maya Tiwari, on the other hand, operated as a broker based in Prayagraj, wherein she received commissions for directing donations toward various trust funds.
One particular victim, Vikesh Kumar Singh from Jaunpur, suffered a substantial financial loss amounting to Rs 55 lakhs as a result of this scheme. It is imperative to note that numerous other individuals from Jaunpur, Azamgarh, and Sultanpur found themselves ensnared in this intricate web of deception and exploitation.