According to a report, it has been alleged that the personal mobile number of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was recently exposed online. This incident was brought to public attention when internet users posted an audio clip on social media where the phone was ringing, and Rishi Sunak's voicemail message was heard in response.
Downing Street and the UK Prime Minister's Office have opted not to comment on this situation, categorizing it as a security matter, as reported by The Sun.
It's important to note that Rishi Sunak has possessed this particular mobile number for an extended period, including during his tenure as Chancellor and throughout the leadership election last year.
It was reported that Rishi Sunak was assigned a different number when he took office almost a year ago. However, a recent video surfaced online, suggesting that the original personal number was still in operation.
This revelation follows a prior incident in which Rishi Sunak informed the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, established to scrutinize the UK's response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences, that he was unable to provide WhatsApp messages sent from this number. He clarified that he had failed to back up these messages and had changed phones on multiple occasions, rendering him unable to retrieve them.
It's worth noting that this is not the first time a Prime Minister's phone number has become publicly accessible. In May 2021, Boris Johnson was advised to cease using his personal phone due to security concerns when it was discovered that his number had been openly accessible online for 15 years. This situation resulted in a complex process for recovering his messages for the Covid-19 inquiry, made even more complicated by Boris Johnson's forgetfulness of his passcode.