The Akal Takht has made the decision to disqualify the priests of a gurdwara in Bathinda from conducting religious services, as a consequence of their involvement in conducting a same-sex wedding at the shrine last month. This announcement came directly from the Jathedar of the Akal Takht, which serves as the supreme temporal authority of the Sikh community. This decision was reached following a gathering of the 'Panj Singh Sahibans,' a group comprising five Sikh clergymen, that convened in Amritsar on Monday.
On September 18, at the Gurdwara Kalgidhar Sahib in Bathinda district, a same-sex wedding took place involving two women. In response to this event, the Akal Takht had initially suspended the 'granthis' (Sikh priests), the gurdwara management, and the 'ragis' (Gurbani exponents).
Subsequently, on Monday, the Jathedar of the Akal Takht, Giani Raghbir Singh, emphasized that Sikh principles do not allow for same-sex marriage, resulting in the disqualification of the involved priests from participating in religious ceremonies.
The individuals affected by this decision include Head Granthi Hardev Singh, priest Ajaib Singh, 'ragi' Sikandar Singh, and 'tabla vadak' Satnam Singh from the gurdwara. They have been blacklisted for a period of five years due to their violation of the 'Sikh rehat maryada' (code of conduct). The ruling dictates that they will not be permitted to partake in any religious service at any gurdwara or religious functions.
Additionally, the members of the gurdwara's management committee have been prohibited from assuming positions in any other gurdwara. It's worth noting that the Akal Takht had previously issued a 'hukamnama' (religious edict) against same-sex marriage back in 2005, during the tenure of Jathedar Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti. At that time, he urged the Sikh community not to sanction such marriages in any gurdwara.