Joginder Deswal, who held the position of deputy superintendent in the Haryana Police, tragically passed away on Monday while he was engaged in a workout session at a gym. The unfortunate cause of his death was a heart attack that occurred during his exercise routine at the gymnasium.
Prompt action was taken to transport him to a private hospital located in Karnal, but despite the efforts made, he succumbed to a heart attack.
Joginder Deswal was fulfilling his role as the Deputy Superintendent at the district jail situated in Panipat and was a resident of the Nyaypuri area within Karnal.
This unfortunate incident is not an isolated one, as there have been previous reports of individuals facing a similar fate while working out at fitness centers, primarily as a result of heart attacks. For instance, back in September, there was an incident in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, where a gentleman collapsed while running on a treadmill at a gym and tragically passed away on the spot. The prevailing suspicion was that he had experienced a heart attack.
Similarly, another occurrence took place in August when an individual suffered a heart attack and lost his life during a gym session in Indore. In this instance, the man was in the midst of his exercise regimen when he suddenly collapsed on the floor, struggling to catch his breath.