The Tamil Nadu police have uncovered a clandestine operation involved in the illicit sale of infants, leading to the apprehension of two individuals, one of whom is a government doctor in Namakkal district.
The discovery of this nefarious enterprise unfolded when Nagadevi, residing in Animoor, gave birth to a baby girl on October 7. Approximately six days later, her husband, Dinesh, received an unexpected contact from an individual named Logammal, who purported to be affiliated with the Thiruchengode Government Hospital.
To Dinesh's astonishment, Logammal presented an alarming proposal – she offered to purchase the newborn child for a sum of Rs 2 lakh. Stricken by the shocking nature of the proposition, Dinesh promptly notified the authorities, urging a thorough investigation into the matter. Consequently, this investigation resulted in the apprehension of Logammal.
During the course of the inquiry, law enforcement uncovered that Logammal had reportedly been involved in the transaction of newly born infants. She would acquire these infants from their parents and then facilitate their sale to couples who were unable to bear children. Shockingly, it was revealed that Anuradha, a government doctor at Thiruchengode Government Hospital, was also a participant in this sinister infant-selling scheme. The doctor allegedly initiated contact with parents who had recently given birth at the hospital.
In response to these disturbing revelations, legal proceedings were initiated, culminating in the arrest of both Anuradha and Logammal.
Health Minister Ma Subramaniam affirmed that the doctor had been suspended and a comprehensive investigation would be conducted to ascertain the extent and duration of this illicit operation and to identify all those involved.