OnePlus has at long last unveiled the official launch date for its inaugural foldable smartphone – the OnePlus Open. This groundbreaking device is scheduled to make its grand entrance in India on October 19, which is merely a week away. OnePlus is poised to disrupt the foldable phone market that is presently dominated by Samsung. The company aims to elevate the user experience and offer an unparalleled product. Remarkably, details regarding the expected price and specifications of the impending OnePlus foldable phone have already surfaced ahead of the OnePlus Open launch event. Let's delve into the particulars.
In anticipation of the impending release, OnePlus boldly claims that the OnePlus Open will deliver swift and seamless performance, enhancing the user's overall experience. The device is engineered to be lightweight and boasts an impressively slim design. Notably, OnePlus is emphasizing that the OnePlus Open's screen exhibits no unsightly creases. Additionally, the phone's camera performance is purported to be exceptional, although a comprehensive evaluation will be necessary to substantiate this claim.
OnePlus has articulated its vision for the OnePlus Open, declaring that it will redefine the very essence of foldable smartphones by offering a holistic, flagship-level experience that pushes the boundaries of current foldable technology, setting new standards for this niche.
While the official pricing remains undisclosed, leaks suggest that the OnePlus Open might carry a price tag of $1,699 (equivalent to roughly Rs 1,41,490). The device's pricing in the Indian market is expected to align with this range or, possibly, even be more attractive, as was the case with the OnePlus 11. It will be intriguing to observe OnePlus' strategy to determine its introductory foldable phone's price point and how it plans to sway consumers to opt for the OnePlus Open rather than a Samsung device.
Though OnePlus has yet to make an official confirmation regarding the specifications, leaks indicate that the upcoming foldable smartphone will showcase a substantial 7.8-inch display when unfolded. This generous screen is set to support an impressive 120Hz refresh rate. The cover display, on the other hand, is projected to measure 6.3 inches diagonally and offer the same high refresh rate. It's worth noting that the OnePlus Open is not expected to feature any water resistance rating. The device is likely to be powered by Qualcomm's top-of-the-line Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, complemented by a substantial 18 GB of RAM and a capacious 512 GB of internal storage. As seen in official teasers, an alert slider is poised to be a notable inclusion. Of particular interest, the OnePlus Open is anticipated to incorporate a cutting-edge hinge design that seamlessly connects both sides of the device, reportedly developed through the collaboration of OnePlus and Oppo.