The Enforcement Directorate (ED) initiated a series of raids starting on Monday at six different locations across Mumbai, as part of their investigation into a new money laundering case linked to the notorious drug lord Ali Asgar Shirazi.
Ali Asgar Shirazi, a close associate of the infamous drug lord Kailash Rajput, was apprehended at the Mumbai airport in May while attempting to make his escape to Dubai. His arrest was executed by the Anti-Extortion Cell of the Mumbai Police.
It's worth noting that Shirazi had no prior knowledge of the lookout circular (LOC) issued against him by the Mumbai Crime Branch in March of the same year. This LOC was issued following the arrest of five suspects who were implicated in the case. During their interrogations, his name surfaced, ultimately leading to the LOC against him.
The Mumbai Crime Branch's operation had initially apprehended one of the principal suspects in a case associated with the clandestine transportation of Ketamine and Viagra, collectively valued at a staggering Rs 8 crore. The suspects employed a courier service to ship the contraband, disguising it as an entirely different item.
Subsequently, Shirazi, who was on the run, was arrested at Mumbai airport in May, while efforts to locate and apprehend the remaining wanted suspects were still underway.
Shirazi is allegedly linked to a vast operation engaged in the illicit smuggling of synthetic drugs, encompassing substances such as MDMA and Ketamine, from India to destinations in Europe and the United States.