A video capturing a speeding Scorpio SUV losing control and overturning on a road in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut has gained considerable attention on social media platforms. This incident unfolded during the evening hours of Monday, October 23. Tragically, a balloon vendor lost his life as a result of a collision with the car.
According to the accounts provided by law enforcement officials, the Scorpio was being driven at an excessive speed when it veered out of control and collided with the balloon vendor. The impact of the collision was so substantial that it resulted in the immediate death of the balloon vendor.
Subsequently, the Scorpio went through a series of flips on the road, eventually coming to a stop after colliding with a lamppost. A police inspection of the accident scene led to the discovery of several bottles of liquor inside the SUV.
The victim, identified as Bhanu, was a resident of the Railway Colony in the city.
In the aftermath of this tragedy, a case of culpable homicide has been filed against five individuals believed to be connected to the accident. The driver of the Scorpio also sustained injuries and was transported to a nearby hospital for medical attention. As of now, no arrests have been executed in relation to this case.
The incident has provoked widespread outrage among local residents, who are vehemently demanding stern actions to be taken against the alleged perpetrators.
Piyush Singh, the Superintendent of Police City in Meerut, stated, "We have registered a case of culpable homicide against five people in connection with this accident. The driver of the Scorpio is also injured and is undergoing treatment in the hospital. We are making efforts to arrest the other accused, and they will be arrested soon."