The Madras High Court has intervened in the matter concerning Prime Minister Narendra Modi's scheduled roadshow in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, granting permission for the event on March 18. This decision comes after the district police administration initially denied permission, citing various concerns, including security risks.
However, the court's ruling includes the imposition of certain conditions to ensure the smooth conduct of the roadshow. These conditions encompass directives for the police to provide necessary protection and to impose reasonable terms. Specifically, the court stipulated conditions regarding the route, distance, and the prohibition of erecting flex boards during the event. Additionally, it emphasized the importance of party workers adhering to the conditions set by the police.
The roadshow, a significant component of PM Modi's South India tour ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, had faced initial opposition due to security risks and the communal history of Coimbatore. Notably, Coimbatore was a site of the 1998 serial blasts, adding to concerns about potential security threats. Moreover, given the sensitive nature of the city's communal dynamics, no political parties or groups had been granted permission for roadshows previously.
Concerns were also raised regarding potential inconvenience caused to the general public, particularly students, as public exams were scheduled for March 18 and 19, with several schools situated along the proposed route for the roadshow.
The court's intervention has provided clarity on the matter, ensuring that necessary precautions are taken while allowing the roadshow to proceed as planned.