The Karnataka unit of the BJP has filed a formal complaint with the Election Commission of India (ECI) against Deputy Chief Minister and senior Congress leader DK Shivakumar, alleging a violation of the Model Code of Conduct. BJP MLA Suresh Kumar, in his complaint, accused Shivakumar of using his office inside the Vidhan Soudha (Karnataka State Assembly) for a party event related to Najma Nazeer joining the Congress party ahead of the Lok Sabha elections 2024.
Speaking to the media after filing the complaint, Suresh Kumar emphasized that using the Vidhan Soudha office to welcome people into the Congress party constitutes a clear violation of the model code of conduct. He highlighted the event as contempt against the model code of conduct and urged the Election Commission to take strict action against Shivakumar.
Kumar further characterized the incident as an example of the Congress party's arrogance, noting that the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) has been frequently embroiled in controversies. He called for the Election Commission to send a strong message by taking action against such practices and violations of the model code of conduct.
Addressing questions about BJP infighting in the state over ticket distribution for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Suresh Kumar expressed confidence that the party high command would resolve the issue. He mentioned that discussions with BJP MLA SR Vishwanath would take place, and they would unite as a cohesive force to contest the elections, hoping that Vishwanath would also actively participate in the party's campaign.