Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a scathing attack on the Congress party, following revelations from a Right To Information (RTI) report that exposed how the Congress government under then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi handed over the strategically significant Katchatheevu island to Sri Lanka in 1974. PM Modi accused the Congress of compromising the country's integrity and interests through this decision, which has been widely criticized and deemed detrimental to India's sovereignty.
The RTI report sheds light on the circumstances surrounding the transfer of Katchatheevu to Sri Lanka, highlighting the lack of consultation with stakeholders and the absence of proper legal scrutiny. It reveals that despite objections and reservations from various quarters, the Congress government proceeded with the handover, leading to longstanding implications for India's maritime borders and the livelihoods of fishermen in the region.
PM Modi described the RTI findings as "eye-opening and startling," emphasizing the public outrage and condemnation sparked by the Congress party's actions. He underscored the deep-seated distrust and skepticism towards the Congress, asserting that the party's track record of compromising national interests spans several decades.
Katchatheevu island, situated in the Palk Strait, holds strategic significance for Tamil Nadu's fishermen, who depend on its waters for their livelihoods. The decision to relinquish Indian sovereignty over the island has had far-reaching consequences, including frequent detentions of Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy and concerns over territorial integrity.
In response to PM Modi's remarks, Union Home Minister Amit Shah criticized the Congress for its role in the Katchatheevu issue, highlighting the party's lack of remorse for its actions. He accused the Congress of consistently undermining India's unity and integrity, citing instances of divisive rhetoric and policies.
Meanwhile, BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi condemned the Congress and its ally, the DMK, for their silence on the Katchatheevu issue. He emphasized the need to address the plight of Indian fishermen affected by the handover, calling for greater attention to safeguarding national interests and maritime security.
Overall, PM Modi's comments, along with those of other BJP leaders, reflect a broader sentiment of condemnation towards the Congress party's handling of the Katchatheevu issue and its implications for India's sovereignty and security.