Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has strongly criticized both the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) and the BJP, accusing them of orchestrating plans to destabilize his government in the state. Reddy emphasized that his democratically-elected administration, dedicated to the welfare of the people, would not tolerate any attempts to undermine its authority.
Speaking at a public gathering in Palamuru, Telangana, on Wednesday, Reddy raised doubts about the motives behind the statements made by former Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, hinting at the downfall of his government within 3–4 months. Despite the long tenures of KCR and Modi, Reddy assured the audience that his government would stand firm against their strategies.
Encouraging the public to discern wisely and reject divisive politics, Reddy passionately advocated for representation from Palamuru, challenging the stereotype that individuals from farming backgrounds are unfit for leadership positions. He asserted the rights of Palamuru's children, expressing confidence that they would rise to the occasion like fire, ready to confront anyone who dared to challenge them.
Addressing a Congress rally in Mahabubnagar, Reddy warned that the children of Palamuru would fiercely defend their government against any attempts to undermine it, stating, "If anyone tries to touch (dislodge the government), our Palamuru (Mahabubnagar) children would be like fire and human bombs...we will see if anyone is spared."
Further, Reddy issued a stern message to KCR, predicting the upcoming dominance of the Congress party in Telangana from 2024 to 2034, pledging unwavering support for the impoverished segments of society.