Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has strongly responded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comments regarding the state's law and order situation. During a campaign event in Salem, Stalin countered PM Modi's remarks by highlighting the presence of leaders with criminal records within the BJP. He alleged that the BJP has 261 leaders with criminal backgrounds, including history sheeters, questioning PM Modi's credibility to comment on law and order issues.
Stalin's response came as he campaigned for DMK candidates in Salem, where he emphasized the need for evidence to support PM Modi's assertion of deteriorating law and order in Tamil Nadu. He presented a 32-page list detailing the history-sheeters within the BJP and demanded clarity from PM Modi based on his remarks.
Furthermore, Stalin disclosed that the BJP's leaders collectively face a total of 1,977 cases, further highlighting the discrepancy between PM Modi's criticism and the internal situation within the BJP itself.
Stalin's sharp rebuttal underscores the political tensions surrounding the issue of law and order in Tamil Nadu, with both the ruling DMK and the opposition BJP engaging in a war of words ahead of the elections. The exchange highlights the importance of addressing concerns related to crime and maintaining public safety as key campaign issues.