In Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore, a clash broke out between supporters of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) over the timing of BJP candidate K Annamalai's election campaign. The dispute arose when DMK members raised objections to Annamalai's campaign extending beyond the permitted 10 pm limit.
The altercation occurred on Thursday night and involved a significant number of people, leading to a chaotic situation. Police promptly arrived at the scene and managed to bring the situation under control before it escalated further. However, at least seven individuals sustained injuries during the clash, with one of them being admitted to a nearby hospital for treatment.
K Annamalai, who serves as the Tamil Nadu BJP state chief, is contesting from the Coimbatore seat in the upcoming elections. Meanwhile, the DMK has nominated former Coimbatore Mayor Ganapathi Rajkumar as their candidate for the Opposition-led INDIA bloc. The clash highlights the heightened tensions and competition between political parties in the region as the election campaign intensifies.