A 2-year-old child, identified as Satwik Mujagond, who fell into a borewell in Karnataka's Lachayan village, was successfully rescued on Thursday after more than 20 hours. The incident occurred when Satwik fell into the borewell while playing near his house in Vijayapura district.
Rescue efforts, led by teams comprising personnel from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), were underway since the previous day. Videos from the site captured the emotional moment when rescue members lifted the toddler out of the borewell amidst cheers and celebrations from onlookers. The child, covered in mud, was immediately shifted to an ambulance stationed nearby, where a medical team was ready to attend to him.
Earlier in the day, rescuers had reached the child and confirmed that he was alive. Despite being stuck at a depth of 15–20 feet, Satwik was heard crying during the rescue operation, indicating signs of life.
The borewell into which Satwik had fallen was located on 4 acres of land belonging to his father, Satish Mujagond. The rescue operation, which commenced around 6.30 pm on Wednesday, involved various teams, including police, revenue officials, members of the taluk panchayat, as well as officials from the fire department and emergency services.
Efforts were made to supply oxygen to the child by inserting pipes into the borewell, and skilled tubewell drilling workers were deployed to expedite the rescue process.
Karnataka Minister MB Patil addressed the incident on social media, stating that he had instructed the Vijayapura district administration to conduct the operation at a rapid pace. He also expressed prayers for the safe reunion of the toddler with his parents.