Saurabh Bharadwaj, the Health Minister of Delhi, offered commendations to Sunita Kejriwal, the wife of incarcerated Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, describing her as the linchpin that binds the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) together and labeling her presence within the party as a "blessing" cherished by its members. Bharadwaj highlighted Sunita Kejriwal's pivotal role in bridging communication between the party and the Chief Minister, noting her dedication to advocating for the concerns of both sides.
"Sunita Kejriwal's steadfast support for Arvind Kejriwal over the years has been unwavering. Her presence within the party serves as a cohesive force, akin to a binding agent. We perceive her involvement as a blessing due to her ability to maintain a direct line of communication with the Chief Minister, thus facilitating effective coordination between us," remarked Saurabh Bharadwaj in an interview with news agency ANI.
Bharadwaj further emphasized the emotional connection shared by AAP members with Arvind Kejriwal, which extends to their empathy towards Sunita Kejriwal.
"Despite not holding an official position within the party, Sunita Kejriwal's familial ties with Arvind Kejriwal offer a strategic advantage in maintaining a continuous channel of communication with the Chief Minister," added Saurabh Bharadwaj.
In light of Arvind Kejriwal's recent arrest by the Enforcement Directorate on March 21 in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case, Sunita Kejriwal has actively engaged with the media, representing her husband's stance and reading out his messages, including a letter urging continued commitment to serving the people of Delhi.
Sunita Kejriwal's participation in the INDIA bloc's 'Loktantra Bachao' rally on March 31 in Delhi further underscored her unwavering support for her husband, expressing confidence in his eventual release from incarceration.
Arvind Kejriwal is currently detained in Tihar Jail until April 15, with the Enforcement Directorate alleging his involvement as the mastermind behind the Delhi liquor policy case.