A tragic incident unfolded in Bengaluru on Monday, resulting in the untimely demise of a man who collided with the open door of a car belonging to BJP leader and Union Minister Shobha Karandlaje. The victim, identified as Prakash, a 63-year-old BJP worker, was riding a scooty when the unfortunate collision occurred.
The mishap transpired in the KR Puram area on Monday afternoon. At the time of the incident, Shobha Karandlaje, who is contesting as the BJP candidate from the Bangalore North Lok Sabha seat, was engaged in a campaign rally in the vicinity and was not present inside her vehicle.
Reportedly, the Minister's driver inadvertently opened the car door without ensuring that the path was clear, leading to Prakash's scooter crashing into the door, causing him to tumble onto the road. Tragically, in a cruel twist of fate, a bus approaching from the opposite direction struck Prakash, resulting in his immediate demise.
The police have taken action against both the car driver and the bus driver, booking them under Sections 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and 283 (danger or obstruction in a public way or line of navigation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Expressing her condolences, Shobha Karandlaje addressed the media, stating, "Our dedicated party worker, Prakash, met with a tragic accident. We were leading the rally, and the car was parked towards the end of the road. Unfortunately, he collided with the car and fell, subsequently being hit by a passing bus."
Karandlaje assured that she has instructed the police department and medical authorities to expedite the post-mortem procedures for Prakash. Additionally, she pledged full support to Prakash's bereaved family, ensuring they receive the necessary compensation and assistance during this difficult time.